Embark on a year-long adventure through the cosmos with The Advice for Life 2024 calendar. Each month offers a glimpse into the celestial mysteries, accompanied by holiday highlights noted below the calendar, to not interfere with your special days and notes you need space for! 

**September-December 2023 & note page
**January: Dark Sky
**February: Bat
**March: Meteor
**April:  Solar Eclipse - with special text about the Total Solar Eclipse
**May: Night Sky 
**June: Sunset
**July: Firefly
**August: Galaxy
**September: Constellation
**October: Solar System
**November: Moon
**December: Star

Comes prepared with a hole for proper wall hanging
Size: 18 x 12 inches when hanging
It is meticulously crafted on high-quality glossy paper that's not only visually appealing but also environmentally conscious, being 100% replanted.


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